time even the heterosexuals who now doubt this fact wi11 finally realize that it is true.

Courageous, constructive-thinking and acting homosexuals should not be discouraged by such unfavorable views as Dr. Bergler presents, but they should accept these views as a CHALLENGE! They should renew and redouble their efforts in such a way as to completely disprove the things that Dr. Bergler has said about them. I feel certain that this they will do.

The non-fiction book which I am now completing will present my own effort in this direction.

Aside from the written efforts homosexuals may make to spread the light of truth concerning their minority, there is something every homosexual can do to aid their cause. That is to so conduct themselves in daily life as to merit re spe ot of both the homosexual and the heterosexual segments of our society.

I salute and congratulate the Daughters of Bilitis for the well-organized and worthwhile contribution they are making toward bringing about right understanding and acceptance of the homo sexual in today's world.


Carol Hale s


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